Konferenční sál IC Broumovska
Začátek: 13. 4. 2024, 19:30
Web: www.sympoziumilustrace.cz/
Debata v angličtině otevřená pro veřejnost.
A little glimpse into the illustration scene in Austria, through the eyes of this year’s foreign guest Sonja Stangl. It’s not always easy to stand in the shadow of giants like Klimt and Schiele, but the contemporary scene in Austria is as full of amazing artists and illustrators, as was its past. We will explore different areas and genres, from books to video games, from the walls of the Danube canal to the cinema screens, and take a look into a supportive community that has grown a lot over the years. We will also delve into the value of this community, the importance of mental health in the illustration world and how to support each other to make a living in what we love to do.
Konferenční sál IC Broumovska se nachází na Mírovém náměstí v budově informačního centra. Konferenční prostory jsou pravidelně využívány k pořádání konferencí, koncertů, promítání, besed apod.